Thursday, May 10, 2007

Letter to YSR ( CM of AP)

TDFAppeal Letter to Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy
Date: May 08, 2007
TO: Shri Y. Rajasekhara Reddy St. Louis, MO, USA
Hon. Chief Minister,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Dear Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy garu:
Telangana Development Forum, USA is an organization of Telangana NRIs and US citizens of Telangana Origin, requests you to review and re-consider your Government’s stand on the following matters and do the needful to help people of Telangana.

1. Implementation of G.O. 610 and addressing the employment inequities: As you know full well, as a democratically elected government in a Republic, the responsibility to implement government orders rests with your office. Any lax in implementation of the G.O.610 to its fullest extents will be viewed further reflect on the government attitude toward Telangana. It is our understanding that the successive administrations from the State leadership have consistently failed Telangana people and their aspirations, in securing employment within the established framework as per the Government Order.

2. Stop below listed unjust projects and their implementation policies.

a) Pothireddypadu: Rayalaseema is backward and needs irrigation waters. But diverting equally backward Telangana share of waters is robbing Peter to pay Paul. History will not forgive you if you complete this project against all protests of Telangana and make provisions for Krishna waters share of Telangana to be diverted to Rayalaseema illegally, even though there is no flood waters- the pretext of your administration for building Pothireddypadu head regulator of massive proportions.

b) Pulichintala: Pulichintala is another project being built on the pretext of utilizing waters currently going into the sea. But it gives an excuse for the corrupt officials and future administrations to divert Nagarjunasagar waters under one pretext or other and divert the rightful share of Telangana districts.
c) Indirasagar / Polavaram: Immersing 290 plus Telangana villages, and subjecting the state to massive debt, with irreparable and irreversible damage to environment and the way of life of many tribes, to benefit the coastal region which is already well off. Telangana region has been neglected by not building sensible projects, and the Telangana farmers are forced to depend on unsustainable bore wells and the high cost of electric power. We urge you to stop Polavaram and look for alternate plans.
3. IIT relocation: You are setting a bad precedence by over riding the decisions of earlier assembly resolutions and locating IIT to Medak instead of Basara under the pretext of infrastructure accessibility. Your actions are divisive and ill intentioned with a view to divide and rule among the Telangana districts. Please reverse your decision and locate IIT at Basara per previous legislative decisions.
4. Telangana University in Nizamabd: While you made a political decision to establish the Telangana University, to appear fair to justify the Universities in Rayalaseema area and Andhra area, it simply appears to be ploy as you have not funded them equally and not exercised your leadership to ensure equal pace of construction and development of all three Universities. We request that you order a review, compare all three universities’ funding and progress and do the needed to expedite those that are lagging.
5. JNTU: Please review the assignment of the engineering school from Telangana region to JNTU and open it for statewide admissions while assigning the Andhra area engineering school to Andhra University so only its region’s people will gain access to them. This appears to be a naked exploitation of Telangana under some technicality and your Govt. letting this happen is a shame.
6. Imbalance in regional development: you are concentrating all development of infrastructure and funding in and around Hyderabad, Vizag and Vijayawada, while depriving the district centers. Thus creating congestion, land mafias, pollution and security issues, to these super cities while depriving the populations of the districts their due share. Please reconsider your mal-distribution of development resources. Share the wealth and opportunities to towns and villages.
7. Telangana Statehood: We urge you to honor the wishes of people of Telangana for restoration of the region to statehood. We in TDF, after serious considerations, did come to the conclusion that sustained development of Telangana with utilization of its resources in just manner is only possible under its own statehood. We therefore urge you to stop impeding the statehood demand and show your statesmanship by introducing a bill in AP assembly asking the center to restore Telangana to its own statehood, expeditiously, so the process can take place fairly without dividing the people and resulting in violence. It is your moral responsibility per your election promises.
Telangana State is an idea whose time has come and no armies can stop it anymore.
As late PM Nehru said, the innocent girl, Telangana, is tired of exploitation and can’t take this forced marriage to her neighbors and wants a divorce. It is your duty to honor her wishes, as promised by your own party leader, Panditji.
8. Power generation: Telangana coal is transported to Vijayawada and other areas and depriving and making Telangana dependent on other regions for power for its agriculture.
No fair minded leader will do such mal-development. Only a partial leadership with innate desire to subjugate the population of a region will do such unjust development. Please review and reconsider your power generation capacity plans and do justice to Telangana. Don’t enslave them for ages on other regions.
Madhu K Reddy